1 (825) 425-0310 | 330 5th Avenue SW, Suite 1800, Calgary, AB T2P 0L4

overview-hero.png.originalWe acquired the new BlackBerry Z10 for our mobile app. developers & design team members and so far so good…they are thrilled. Most of them like the fact that personal life and business can be kept together on the same device safe and secure. BB10 has a completely reinvented operating system and from what we’ve seen so far, BlackBerry delivered a solid OS with a lot of appealing features and applications.

What we like the most on the new BlackBerry Z10 is:

  • Smart Keyboard

  • Blackberry Hub

  • Trusted Security

  • Blackberry Balance

  • Innovative interface

  • Super & Fast Browsing

For more details about Blackberry Z10 please click here