Education has continuously evolved since its earlier days, and technology has made a big impact on how the educational system has worked. Not only do you see electronics in the cafeteria and in the library, but you start to see them in the classroom to help with teaching.
Computers were first used for administrative use in the school, to keep up with student’s data and to have their information available, but it grew into a service used in lunch line services as well as in the library to both speed up the process of buying a lunch and to database the books in the library. They first made their appearance in the classroom for use in research or for typing or writing. Students got on computers to write term papers or to research for them. Then computers made a strike into the life’s of students who became interested in programming or other computer related courses. Programming is usually only offered in the high school or college classes, so not much has changed for the lower level classes in teaching until more recently. Teachers use computers for power points or to display images or videos to their students.
Computers are now a regular part of schools, even the most underfunded schools will have some sort of computer on campus for use by the students. However, there has been controversy over how computers are helping students to research subjects. Since they have access to sites that might not have good sources or material backing them they can make papers with incorrect thesis. Some schools will allow students to only research through educational resources or to teach them how to know if the information they are viewing can really be thought as true. Schools are becoming more advanced in what technology they offer to students. Some schools use older computers by IBM or that are becoming outdated but now more expensive architecture has come into the educational world. Things like Macs have become used in school for art or for other programs.
However, education doesn’t have the firmest grasp over the technology they use at schools. Oftentimes you will see students off task or not working on what they should, either playing games or going on social networking sites. Software has emerged to help combat this, but the best thing the teacher can do is to look at student’s screens to make sure they are doing what they should. Computer Technology courses are offered to help students use computers better over the course of their education and the rest of their life. There are also keyboarding classes to help students learn how to type quickly and correctly while maintaining good posture so that they don’t run into any back problems over their life.